CategoriesAnniversary Birthday events Smoothie Recipes

Heart Chocolate – Smoothie Recipe

Making equipment:-
  • Smoothie Maker or Blender


  • One handful of spinach
  • One handful of frozen raspberries
  • One banana
  • Two squares of grated dark chocolate (minimum 75% cocoa content)
  • One tablespoon of peanut butter (natural if possible)
  • 250ml of coconut water
Things change, and friends leave, and life does not stop for anybody.- Stephen chbosky


  1. Grate the chocolate.
  2. Place all the ingredients in the blender cup and blend for about 30 seconds.
  3. Add more liquid if you require a thinner drink.

Nutritional Benefits

  • Dark chocolate can help lower your blood pressure according to research. By eating good quality dark chocolate a few times, a week, you can help prevent the formation of blood clots along with improves the blood flow to your heart.
  • Peanut butter (if of the natural variety) has around 75% unsaturated fats, which help keep your heart Healthy. The protein and fat in natural peanut butter will keep you feeling fuller for longer.