Making time 80 minutes Serving : 20 Ingredients: Two tablespoons Pillsbury Creamy Vanilla Frosting One box Pillsbury Vanilla Cake Mix Twelve ounces White Candy Melts You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue. – Joel Osteen Preparation: Prepare the cake mix according to […]
Samoa Coconut Truffles – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 70 minutes Serving : 35 Ingredients: Two tablespoons Milk Two cups Shredded Coconut Eleven ounces Soft Caramels Twelve ounces Chocolate Candy Melts You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue. – Joel Osteen Preparation: Place the coconut in a pan and […]
Salted Caramel Brownie – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 65 minutes Serving : 35 Ingredients: One package Brownie Mix Twelve ounces Chocolate Melting Wafers 35 Rolos Sea Salt You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue. – Joel Osteen Preparation: Prepare the brownies as stated on the package. Let cool […]

Tart and Tangy – Ice Cream Recipe
Preparation time: 12 hours 15 munities Portion: 6 persons Ingredients: Three cups pitted tart red cherries Half teaspoon almond extract One cup white sugar Half teaspoon salt One-third cup dry white wine The change will not come if we wait for some other person or some additional time; we are the ones we have been […]

Sweet Soymilk – Ice Cream Recipe
Making equipment:- Preparation time: 4 hours Portion: 4 persons Ingredients: One cup powdered sugar One teaspoon vanilla extract Four egg yolks One teaspoon corn-starch The change will not come if we wait for some other person or some additional time; we are the ones we have been waiting for; we are the change that we […]
Raspberry Cheesecake – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 95 minutes Serving : 24 Ingredients: Two-third cup Raspberry Juice One cup Fresh Raspberries, mashed One-Third cup Vegetable Oil Three Eggs One package Yellow Cake Mix Three quarter cup Pillsbury Cream Cheese Frosting Five cups White Chocolate Chips Half cup Shortening If you do not like something, change it if you cannot change […]
Red Velvet – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 60 minutes Serving : 24 Ingredients: One box Red Velvet Cake Mix One cup Cream Cheese Frosting Sixteen ounces White Chocolate Half cup Dark Chocolate If you do not like something, change it if you cannot change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou Preparation: Prepare and bake the cake according to the […]
Pumpkin Cream Cheesecake – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 140 minutes Serving : 24 Ingredients: Four Eggs Two cups Flour Two teaspoons Baking Powder One teaspoon Baking Soda Fifteen ounces canned Pumpkin Puree One and Half cups Sugar Two teaspoons Cinnamon Quarter teaspoons Pumpkin Spice One teaspoon salt One cup Vegetable Oil Three cups Confectioners’ Sugar Six tablespoons Butter Six ounces Cream […]
Pina Colada – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 25 minutes Serving : 24 Ingredients: Twelve Plain Muffins Eight ounces Cream Cheese Half cup canned Pineapple, mashed Quarter cup Pineapple Juice One teaspoon Coconut Extract One Half cups White Chocolate Chips Half teaspoons Rum Extract Shredded Coconut, for sprinkling If you do not like something, change it if you cannot change it, […]
Pineapple – Balls Cake Recipe
Making time 140 minutes Serving : 6 Ingredients: Quarter cup Vanilla Frosting One cup Brown Sugar One package Yellow Cake Mix Five ounces chopped Maraschino Cherries, chopped Quarter cup Butter, melted Twelve-ounce Can Crushed Pineapple Two packs of White Candy Melts One teaspoon Canola Oil If you do not like something, change it if you […]